Lovingly called as 'Sid' by his loving wife Vidya Balan, Siddarth Roy Kapoor has been in news post his marriage to one of the sort of the actress Vidya Balan. The UVT head, Siddarth was not so camera friendly prior to his marriage. But these days, the man is really posing for a lot of photographs. Sid is in news almost every day. On top of this, the film maker has been camera friendly, handsome enough. So, why will Media leave this guy not capturing him in Camera?
Now, this friendly attitude of Siddarth could be a threat for many other heroes of B - Town, considering this Man's looks and status as well.
Moreover, Siddarth seems to me more than happy with the success of his recent film ABCD and is looking forward to entertain the audience with many more films, going ahead.