Ek Zamaana Tha, when we Woman used to think twice even before admiring a Hero on screen, or a Handsome Hunk whom we get to meet, the reason being, we are married or already in a committed relationship. It did not take much of a time for this tradition to transform in a complete new avatar, projecting new philosophy of being anything and everything done, completely correct.
Today, we encounter many Woman, some being our close buddies, who are in an extra marital relationship, or two timing despite being in an committed relationship and are infact very proud of the same. What do call, ‘this trend is like in’ in today’s fast moving world? But, can I ask you a question, are we really rising, if yes in what way? In the process of finding some ‘so called’ thrill in our daily routine boring life, we are going all the way, where ever our thoughts are taking us. Two timing, cheating our committed partner, every now and then, ending up telling lies to our partner, sharing an emotional (in rare scenarios) and physical (in many cases) with two partners at a time, taking an outmost advantage of the amount of trust our partner has on us, what this all mean? Well, Some may think this thoughts of mine as ‘Old Fashioned’, but let me give it back to you, as per you, you are very bold right, so with that boldness that has made you to get into such ‘Un Ethical’ relationship, can you go ahead and let your partner know about the same?
I have heard many Woman who end up being in this kind of relationships, defending the same by saying, ‘So what, I am independent and free to do whatever I want to with my life. It is not necessary for my partner to know about whatever happens in my life. I have my own space’. But, baby, aren’t you forgetting that the basic element of any committed relationship is commitment and that means you should be completely transparent about yourself with your partner?
Instead of finding the reasons outside, why can’t you work on your relationship, and develop the bonding with your partner, every second? Remember, the true happiness and respect arises only when you are in a committed relationship and all the other relations that do not posses any name, are worthless.
A final thought, just keep yourself in your partner’s shoes and think, how would you react when you get to know your most trusted and loving partner is cheating on you? Can’t even stand the thought? Your partner also will break down completely and might lose the respect for the entire Woman hood, when he gets to know what’s with you.
In order to not to get into these filthy relationships and get out of the same, you can try the following;
• There is a limit and the line of control for everything, always be aware your colleagues, friends do not cross their limits. It is you, who can make them know where they have to be and you should communicate your intentions clear.
• Just sit and explain to the Guy whom you are going around with that you have no intentions to mess up with your married life with your partner, and no intentions to continue this ‘affair’ with the Guy. If he is matured enough, he will understand and let you go. But, if he turns out to be a ‘psycho’ you need to take a help of the most trusted friend of your’s or some elder people or siblings of your’s, before letting out the same to your husband and making the things even more worst.
• Do not ever try to reveal about your affair to your husband. This may lead to a permanent break up of your committed relationship with him. He is after all a human being and many times it so happens that, even they want to, their in - build male ego, would not let them to take things on a lighter end and to let go off things.
• Prevention is better than cure. So, even if you are a working Woman, just draw your lines. Let your husband know with whom you are talking, whom do you like at your work place, if any male colleague of yours have dropped you home, and each and everything.
• Never invite a male colleague of yours or a male friend, when you are alone at your home. Either, never go out alone with wither of them. This is just a precautionary measure to prevent any thing worst happening in near future.
• You can be friends, talk, gel well, play pranks, chat, talk over phone with all your male friends and colleagues, but remember you should not even give them a chance to think something with you, more than just a healthy relationship.
Finally, nothing more than a feel good factor that you are true to your partner. Right?
Sunayana Vinay Kumar