Love is unconditional, innumerable, can’t be explained, only be felt, everyone will fall in love in some point of life or the other. All these expressions would be great, till the time all is well in your relationship. Once your relationship starts showing off its true colors and the same would be bothering you, then the actual problem starts.
If your relationship does not work, in many scenarios you would break up. Now, the ‘funda’ is how you get over with your Ex. Is it actually possible to get over with you’re ex relationship and look for a better future? Is your bitterness from your past relationship, does not allow you to think about your future?
Too many questions, isn’t it? It is said that, due to all these thoughts and a fear of not able to manage it, there are some set of couples who prefer staying back in a strained relationship rather than thinking to move on. But, don’t you think it is better to end anything that you can’t handle, on a lighter note, rather than ending up in a crisis?
Now, if you have planned to end your relationship, it is better if you handle it on a lighter end. If you are planning to conclude your relationship on a lighter end, here are some points that would help you;
• Never drag things till the situations become worst. Try your level best in working out things in your relationship. If the trying is only at your end, and your partner has no interest in making things better, then you have to work on how to end this relation on a lighter note.
• Since you have planned to part ways, atleast let this phase end up smooth. Never indulge in an argument or abuse each other or try pointing out the negatives or discuss who is on a wrong end, among both of you. Remember that you have decided to part ways and work on ending up the same with a less amount of mess.
• One such uncertain thing in life is life itself. You never know what situation is planned for you, the next moment. There is a very much possibility of encountering your ex, after your break up. So, you should not end up in a weird situation at that time. if not being friends, you should not be a enemy of that person, with whom you used experience the utmost happiness. So, not only for a break up, you need to work on for a smooth transition even after your break up.
• I understand we all are Social Animals and cannot be alone for a longer time. But, finding out for a new relationship soon after one has been ended is also a negative sign. Just give some time for yourself, think what went wrong with your past relationship and also be careful on what have to be done and what not, in order to work on the future relationship also. And most important, learn from the mistakes that you made in choosing your partner, in your past relationship.
• Finally, never get depressed. ‘Love’ is a constant emotion that you would experience throughout your life and until you meet one right person, you have to meet several wrong people. So, it is okay when certain things do not work out in your relationship.
And one last thing. No matter your life is going as per designed by you or not, but remember life has to go on and it can only be possible, if there is a lot of happiness and peace in your life.
Sunayana Vinay Kumar