I have grown up with the thought process that, Marriage is a point of settlement in our lives. Once you are married, then there is no bigger responsibility to be fulfilled. And we Women always can take a liberty of not working and pursuing our passion, as we are not the earning members of the family, in major scenarios.
I have got married with the same thought process and initially, some months were same as per my thought. But, certainly, things started getting changed. It could be my Mother – in - law expecting me to take up certain household responsibilities, my husband being dependent on me to take care of him or my father – in – law giving away certain tasks. In short, it was the same old life with brand new relations and responsibilities.
Soon, my in – laws kafamily started expecting another, and this time with me and my husband both. They said, they are waiting for Grand Child, soon.
In the due course of thinking about having a child made me learn, it is not about just conceiving and having a baby, it is about how do you prepare your mindset from the thought of getting a life from your Soul to this World, moving major attention from your partner to Child, you inculcating in you that you have a responsibility of being a Mother, you need to prioritize everything and your child being the priority, after the baby is born till he attains certain age where he can take care of himself you have got that complete responsibility with no weekly offs, to take care of him…
All these put together have been shuffling in my mind. Then I have decided, to sit and speak with my husband, it is because not just me, even he would will to have a baby, then about financial stability as it is the basic responsibility of parents to give the basic needs to the child, and yes, our transformation from being a couple to being the parents. Rest all would be the issues that would come into practice in the due course.
It was then when all these discussion was going on, I understood, life itself is a responsibility. And taking up a responsibility does not only mean earning, it means you living along with your loved ones and taking up every responsibility right from managing a job to household work to child, in each phase of life.
The term that I used to get pissed off the more, ‘Responsibility’, has now become a lovable bliss for me… it is only about how do you take things that come your way. With a mindset of welcoming the new and with a positive thought, I am enjoying this kind of life style. Hope you would too!
SunayanaVinay Kumar