There are n numbers of reasons to get stressed out. Right from work load at office to your kid’s home work to taking care of your husband and in – laws, it is just that the more you stop thinking about your peace and go ahead doing multi-tasking, the more stressed out you would be. Well, there are many techniques that we use to control our stress levels as well. But, have we ever thought that are we really stressed out or we are tensed that we would are stressed out and take all that unnecessary stress over our mind. Lot of confusion, isn’t it? abtaktho, we have been thinking that we are stressed out, whenever we are tired and what is this ‘tension’ business that is working on our mind?
When you think the other side, yes, there is a possibility of taking tension when you are not able to handle various issues at a time and this would lead to stress, after all you would be tired of working all day long and putting your mind on various other things. So, abyehthopathachalaki‘Tension’ is the mother of invention of ‘Stress’. So, let’s work on reducing ‘Tension’ as such;
Get up 15 minutes earlier each morning. That gives you a little more time to eat something, run back to get something you forgot, or enjoy a cup of coffee before heading out the door. If you drive to work, a 15 or 20 minute head start may decrease some of the traffic you face, and make the commute less stressful.
Yes, this works. Write it down. There is an old Chinese proverb that goes, "The palest ink is better than the most retentive memory." All those "Seven Secrets" tips are based on writing things down. Write down goals, errands, chores, due dates for projects and library books… Instead of just a "To Do" list, keep a "Have Done" list too. Move things over to that list after having completed them. At the end of the day, review how productive you were.
Buy flowers for your partner unexpectedly. Sneak a small greeting card that says "I love you" into your child's lunch box. Bring donuts, bagels, or muffins to the office for others one morning. You get the picture. Someone else's smile and "Thanks" can sometimes make a bad day better and best.
Stop thinking about all those bad moments that you faced in your life and all those people who were the whole and sole reason for you being upset. Nothing can be changed so as those unhealthy moments. So, wake up and give up, see how good it feels. Allowing others the right to make a mistake goes a long way toward forgiving yourself for mistakes. Assume that others are doing the best they can. Mark Twain once said, "Never attribute to malice what can easily be attributed to stupidity." This goes a long way toward doing the best you can as well.
Try doing your routine and simple work with a difference. Say for instance, you have made parataas for breakfast. Why don’t you leave your mark in garnishing the same and serving the same with a difference? Why don’t you plan a candle light dinner at your home itself? Why don’t you surprise your partner with a surprise visit to his office by grooming yourself perfect? Make him happy by getting tickets for you and him, for the movie that he actually want to watch from a long time now?
It’s all in you… if you want to be stress and tension free, then work on it and forget everything else!
SunayanaVinay Kumar