Most Indian women these days have taken the risk of experimenting with relationships and sexuality. It has made them bolder than ever. No more marriage is a must and should policy and society prerequisite. They are defining their own terms and conditions. The only thing that most women look for is ‘compatibility’
Bangalore based analyst firm Silicon India today stated that the 2011 India's census revealed that there are only 940 women for every 1000 men. Though the number is very close margin, it is found that majority of Indian women are single. What is stopping them from mingling or choosing a life partner? Are Indian men hostile beings that they do want to interact with? Well here are few reasons that were listed out: Women these days are lot more educated, independent and are assertive. The attitude of women in the last decade has changed exceptionally. The exposure to workplaces, responsibilities and pressures have made them a lot more confident about their decisions and are able to read or judge men in various ways. Most Indian women these days have taken the risk of experimenting with relationships and sexuality. It has made them bolder than ever. No more marriage is a must and should policy and society prerequisite. They are defining their own terms and conditions. The only thing that most women look for is "compatibility". They are always on the lookout for the right balance.
Neha Mehta is 36, attractive and still single. Neha lives with her parents, has no siblings and stands to inherit a fair fortune from her father. She has received numerous proposals and has even dated a few men, but there isn't a ring in sight. "Some men I've met were blessed with healthy bank balances, but they also had serious attitude problems to go with these," she explains. "And men I've met who've been perfectly amiable and charming wouldn't be able to support my lifestyle. It's hard to find the right balance." As quoted by idiva.
The fast growing economy, the competitive world of the corporates and a constant battle between male counterparts for higher posts have made Indian women put work before marriage. Educated, well focused women prioritize their career over marriage and say that marriage can still wait. Intellectual, well-read women, after all, now realize that marriage is not a fairy tale. Security of the job has become very important. Some of the other reasons are - Inflated egos and problems to compromise has become a serious issue among women. Marriage which comes as package with many compromises is not well accepted by women these days and many end up in divorces as well. Some women are turning out to be workaholics as well.