You can name it as a ‘myth’ of life time, under estimating yourself, no confidence on your worth or whatever it could be, the Fear factor will definitely damage our career and in return our life… don’t believe me? Then question yourself. When was the last time you have given a presentation in front of at least 10 other people? When was the last time you have actively participated in a Group Decision? Did you ever think of exploring your talent, be it dance, music, rangoli, or any other form of art and presenting your knowledge to others? If you are backing away from presenting the ‘real’ you, only because of the inconvenience of others watching you, then for sure, there is a ‘Fear’ factor in you. Better late than never, find it and work on getting out of it… the following tips can be help for you in transforming yourself into a ‘real’ you;
Stage fear or Public fear is a most common factor in most of us. Do not view the same as a major negative in you. This is most common in all of us. In fact, many celebs have also admitted that it could be the nth time they are facing the stage or Camera; they are a bit tensed for some minutes. So, just accept the same and move further.
Arrive at the venue before others. This gives you an opportunity to get comfortable with the space and get a feel of it. Practice the upcoming session or performance by yourself, using the stage or podium so that when you actually perform, you don’t feel like you are doing new. Greet the audience in a friendly manner and try and build a rapport with them. It helps for the performer to feel like he knows the audience as it removes the fear of the unknown.
You might be shaky while beginning your performance, but if you apologize, you draw unwanted attention, which is not required. Gaining attention of your audience is your ultimate goal, but don’t let them notice your nervousness by continuously regretting for it. In fact, apologies are only called for when you have committed a blunder on stage. Try to be suave and look confident.
This is the most important part of your stage appearance. You need to focus on the material of your presentation or the content of your performance and persuade the audience to focus on the same. Remember, the content of your performance is what the audience is looking for. Superior content will bring quality to the performance, which will ensure that half the battle is already won. It will also help to boost your confidence.
It is important not to keep thinking about your scheduled performance, to avoid paranoia. Accept the fact that no matter how important a performance it is, it will certainly not be the last thing in your life. Continuous planning on how to make it right can enhance your anxiety on the D-day. Try to relax and take it easy, by taking your mind off it. Stretching your body or deep breathing can be a great way to relax if the tension is getting to you.