More than physical, being strong emotionally is mandatory. The kind of life style we are living in, pressures we are taking both in our personal and professional life and most of us just being alone with not many loved ones around us, whom we can trust, we inculcating the need of being strong, ‘Emotionally’ will make us a survivor.
Every now and then, we inculcate these thoughts in us and stick to the same. But may be the dominance of the situations or could be for any other reason, we get back to our weak attitude. Just look at these guidelines that can help you Stay Fit, Emotionally;
Worry is a negative state of mind which deals with the same problem over and over again, yet nothing is solved. So, as early as possible, get out of it… never let any situation or person control your mind.
When you end up feeling low or losing your confidence, constantly, then try diverting your mind from the same. take a break, have a coffee, speak with a friend definitely not about the reason for your worry and just become normal. Accept your state of mind rather than running away from it.
Fear is the opposite of confidence. It is also another negative emotion where it deals with uncertainty and loses heart easily. How can one win when one feels defeated even before the game has started?
Problems are not solved when one go to sleep, be rested proper to have our energies and spirits renewed to stand tall to face all challenges the next day..
There are numerous other people's problems beyond one's expectations and understandings. Learn to tackle our own problems before giving a hand to others. Solve our own problems before minding other people's problems.
There is no use crying over spilt milk. Be geared towards moving a step at a time. 'Yesterday was a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promissory note, Today is ready cash, Use it to the fullest!' That was what people used to say.
We have a pair of ears but only one mouth. Be patient to speak before understanding. Our mouths serve us best when in accord with inner conscience where Truth dwells..
Self-pity is the web that spins miseries and traps oneself with their 'self-dug-pits' or dungeons. Slithering snakes and crawling insects will be your friends while in the darkness of frustrations.
For every blessing known to you, there are hundreds more that you don't know. Have heart in all you do. Always be grateful in all we have. Gratitude is a virtue for all. Gratitude is a key to peace of mind and heart.