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Look ‘Hot’ by staying ‘Cool’! April 07, 2012 12:20

And this is about how to look and be ‘cool’ irrespective of this sultry weather. And for this, you might try the following; Milk is very important for young girls and women as it fills your body with necessary nutrients, vitamins, proteins and enzymes. However, the fact is that most of girls don’t like to drink milk but if you want naturally healthy skin then you should drink. Combine some flavor with milk to make it delicious. Add exfoliation in your summer skin care to get soft and clean skin. Exfoliating soaps and facial scrubs eliminate your dead cells as well as give you glowing and healthy skin. Your skin needs daily cleansing by using natural or best quality of herbal cleanser in summer to prevent the dull and dead skin. Sleep eight hours to stay away from various problems. Make your bedroom comfortable and pleasant. Sleep on cotton bed sheet to feel relax in summer season. Live stress free life. For healthy and shinny skin, stay away from tension and stress as it damages your skin. Ultra Violet rays of sun reduce moisture level of your body and skin therefore your skin becomes unattractive and dull. Drink at least 10 to 12 glass of water in a day. Water maintains moisture level of body as well as helps to wash out toxins from the body and makes skin clean. Add green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits in your daily diet. These are free radical fighting antioxidant and excellent source of essential nutrients that help to keep your skin fresh and healthy. Fruit juices give younger looks and increase glow of skin so take your favorite fruits juices to look cool in summer. To decrease the temperature of sunburned skin, use cool compresses on it. Avoid exfoliate or use mask on sunburned skin. When you go outside in summer, wear UV protective sunglasses broad-rimmed hats to get protection from sun rays. Select spray tan, airbrushing, sunless self-manner to reduce the risk of age spots, skin cancer and wrinkles. Before going into the sun, don’t forget to apply sunscreen. Apply it 20 minutes before you going outside as it will let your skin time to absorb it. Reapply it throughout the day as per your need. Always choose the product that gives protection from ultraviolet A and B. To make lips safe and elastic, wear broad-spectrum sun-protective lip balm which has SPF of at least 15 as the lips are subject to skin cancer. Use toner to close the pores. Purchase the branded toner that suits on your skin. Apply rose water as it has natural cooling properties that makes it best tonner in summer.

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Stay ‘White’ in summer… April 06, 2012 13:47

And that is about how do you prevent ‘Tan’ ruling your skin and in turn your happiness this summer? Because post summer, it would at least take couple more months for you to get rid of all that ‘tan’ that affected you during the Summer time. And for that; Use a face pack consisting of cucumber juice, lemon juice and some rose water or you can also try a face mask with honey and lemon juice. These face packs or face masks have to be used for some time, at least for a week for noticeable results. Potato juice also is an effective treatment against Sun tan. A regular application of the juice yields positive results. Potato is also effective against pimples and blackheads make it an ideal ingredient for oily skin. Make a paste using Haldi (Turmeric) with a little raw milk and lemon juice. Apply it on the skin, it will help in removing a tan. Apply a paste of fresh ground mint leaves and leave it for about 20 minutes. Wash with cold water, continue for 15 days. Try rubbing lemon juice on your skin. Then mix aloe juice with ½ the amount of vitamin E. Vitamin E is a good moisturizer. Dab this on the tan especially if it is a sun tan. Rubbing the inside of a slice of watermelon is good for lightening tanned skin. Buttermilk is another proven recipe to fade the sun tan. Wash you face with Buttermilk regularly for a few days and you would notice the difference. A natural astringent it tones the skin and is ideal for oily to combination skin. Almonds are another effective but slightly costly way of ensuring lighter tan free skin. Soak 2-3 almonds overnight in cold milk, peel the skin and make a paste out of these. Apply on skin, leave for some time and wash it off. The results are miraculous. You can also apply buttermilk on your skin twice daily, for about 20 minutes each time. This will cool the skin and help revitalize. All these are simple and easy home remedies that are in your reach to be followed. Just try following them and enjoy this summer minus tan…

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Tone your body, Right! April 05, 2012 17:53

Right shape, right personality and right attitude, in short these can be catered as the perfect definitions for a perfect beauty… not only getting in shape, it also important for you to tone your body accordingly. Here are some tips that can help you tone your figure; a. Push-Ups - One minute b. Sit-Ups- One minute c. Squats/Calf Raises- Two minutes. Do one squat, then go up on your toes for one calf raise. d. Triceps Dips- 30-45 seconds. Your triceps are usually not as strong as your biceps so you may get tired faster. e. Leg Lifts- 30-45 seconds Repeat this set of exercises 3 times in a row for 6 days per week. Don't stop for more than 20 seconds between each set. You will get a great cardio workout because your heart rate will not have a chance to come back down to normal for 30-45 minutes. Your muscles will get more tone quickly from the resistance from gravity in your exercises. Hold a weight in each hand, stand up straight and hang your arms by your sides. Bend your knees slightly and tighten your abdominal muscles. Step your right foot forward 36 inches and stack your right knee over your right ankle. Lift onto the toes of your left foot.Lower your hips toward the ground, bending your knees as you descend toward the floor. Stop before your left knee touches the ground. Turn your fingertips toward your shoulders, press your upper arms against your sides and lift the weights toward your shoulders.Push up through the heel of your right foot, return to standing and lower your arms. Step your left foot forward next to your right foot. Step forward 36 inches with your left foot and do another lunge and curl. Continue lunging and curling until you complete 20 lunges. Your body will burn fat away from on top of your muscles from cutting back your calories, doing cardio every day, and the metabolism boost from the muscle toning workout. Follow this plan and you'll start to see improved muscle tone in your body in two weeks. Remember, it could be any form of exercise, be it dance, sweating out at a gym, swimming, aerobics or even walking… for any reason, you stop doing the same and continue eating what you want without keeping a check on your diet and absolutely not burning all those extra kilos, then please don’t even get worried about those extra kilos that make you look completely out in shape… End of the day, you would get a result of what you have done!

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Stretch marks? Fight against them, instead of living with… April 04, 2012 15:13

How to get rid of stretch marks naturally – something all us stretch mark suffers want to know. As with many beauty treatments, prevention is better than cure, and this will strike home for those considering how they might get rid of stretch marks naturally. Of course you cannot predict how prone your body will be to stretch marks and where exactly they will be placed, but if you bear in mind some things to avoid, your body will be grateful for preventative measures taken and you could just help yourself to know how to get rid of stretch marks naturally. Stretch marks can appear on a woman’s waistline due to her hips and abdominal area widening during the course of puberty. This is a natural process with a natural yet unfortunate side effect. To remove stretch marks naturally you cannot simply skip puberty – an attractive yet unrealistic option. Stretch marks on the breasts, hips and thighs can appear at an alarming rate and consistency during puberty but do gradually fade over the next year or so. So a natural solution to getting rid of stretch marks may be to just bide your time. But what if you possess too impatient a nature to wait for this amount of time? The following ‘how to get rid of stretch marks naturally’ methods have been recognized as contributing to the effective and natural removal of stretch marks: natural ingredients form these rich moisturizing treats for your body. cut out consumables which dry out the skin and invest in foods rich in vitamins, omega 3, protein, zinc and fatty acids. stretch marks can be indicative of the skin not receiving adequate hydration, the solution to which is to pack yourself full of H2O. Try to increase blood flow to areas most prone to stretch marks to see them fade naturally. Out of sight, out of mind. Buy flattering clothing that emphasizes your best features whilst covering up those you feel most sensitive about. Focus on the compliments received. Cotton clothing will also allow the skin to breathe – try to avoid restrictive garments. a little amount is good for you as it helps your body produce Vitamin D. Too much sun and you risk drying out your skin as well as inviting the possibility of more serious skin problems as well as an increase in stretch marks. Less is more for knowing how to get rid of stretch marks naturally with the sun. Your skin reflects your health and lifestyle; so if you ooze positivity, eat healthily and keep active, your skin will be radiant. Also, although stretch marks may not actually fade, the glow emanating from your unblemished skin (i.e. the larger percentage of skin covering your body) will more than compensate. You may feel as though you’ve unlocked the secret on how to get rid of stretch marks naturally, because you’re no longer dwelling on them, but instead are focusing on your best assets. This has been a guide on how to get rid of stretch marks naturally.

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‘Cracked feet’… a hurdle for your beauty? April 03, 2012 14:44

Cracked heels are a sign of lack of attention to foot care rather than just overexposure or lack of moisturizing. Medically, cracked heels are also known as heel fissures. Fissures are regular linear cut wounds and mostly affect the surface level which comprises of the epidermis. Sometimes it may get deep into the dermis and become painful. Excessive pressure on the feet pads make the feet want to expand sideways. As the skin, surrounding the sides of the feet are dry they crack and cause cracked heels. Appearances of dry cracked heels also indicate zinc and omega-3 fatty acid deficiency. Though cracks in the skin may arise anywhere in the body the most common is area is the rim of the heel and web of toes, which happen to be the most frequently or constantly used parts of our body. Dry skin or xerosis is one of the most common causes that lead to cracked heels .The other key reason being thick or callus skin around the rim of the heel. Most of the foot problems arise due to neglect and oversight with regard to feet care. Cracked feet, corns and other common feet ailments can be attended to and are easily avoidable. How to treat these cracks? Apply any shortening or hydrogenated vegetable oil after washing the feet clean on dry and cracked areas of the feet. After applying a thick coat of shortening on the feet, wear a pair of thick socks. Leaving this application overnight can surely provide positive results in few days. Apply the pulp of a ripe banana on the dry or cracked area of the heel. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse it clean. This is a simple dry cracked heels home remedy and it can be used on a daily basis to prevent and treat dry and cracked heels. You can also add half an avocado or the flesh of half a coconut to a blender along with the banana to form a thick and creamy paste. Avocados and coconuts are rich in several essential oils and fat soluble vitamins. This paste will help to provide your skin with the vitamins and oils it requires to stay soft and well moisturized. This paste can be used to treat as well as prevent dry cracked heels. Soak the feet in lemon juice for about 10minutes. Follow this therapy on a weekly basis until one finds a change. Lemon juice is a very mild natural acid and helps to dissolve dead and dry skin son that it can be easily removed. It is best to soak your feet in a lemon juice solution and then lightly scrub it with a loofa or soft foot brush to gently exfoliate the top layers of dead skin that cause dry cracked heels. A daily regime of cleaning and moisturizing is a good cure for dry or cracked heels. At the end of the day soak the feet in warm soapy water for about 15 minutes. Rinse feet and pat dry. Make a healing mixture comprising of: one teaspoon Vaseline and the juice of one lemon. Rub this mixture onto the cracked heels and other required areas of the feet till it is thoroughly absorbed. This can be done daily until visible results are obtained. It is best to apply this mixture to your feet right before you go to bed. You can then pull on a pair of thick woolen socks to protect your linen from getting stained. Furthermore, the woolen socks will help to trap your body heat and this will increase the effectiveness of the mixture as more of it will be absorbed by your skin. You can exfoliate your skin before and after you use this mixture. The oils in this mixture will help to soften dry and cracked heels and this will allow you to easily slough off the dead skin the next morning. A regular application of a mixture of glycerin and rosewater is known to soothe and cure cracked heels. Another result oriented solution is to melt paraffin wax and mix it well with little mustard oil. Apply on the dry or cracked area of the heels. Rinse it off in the morning. A continuous application for 10 to15 days can achieve desirable results.

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Everyday care to avoid ‘big time’ skin damage! April 02, 2012 16:50

Just like you plan your day to day work to avoid any last moment tension, it better to take care of your skin regularly, for that matter daily, in order to avoid any skin damage on a larger scale… all you need is, some time on a daily basis; Cleansing your skin is really the foundation of a healthy skin care routine. Surprisingly, most people go overboard in this area. Whether you have oily, normal or combination skin, it is important to clean your facial skin without stripping it of naturally occurring oils that are important for younger looking skin. Wash at night to remove makeup and debris with a cleanser for your skin type. Cleanse by using a dime-size amount of cleanser and rinsing your skin with lukewarm water. Pat dry. In the morning, simply splash a bit of lukewarm water on your face to remove any excess oils from the night’s moisturizer. Remember: never use hot or cold water to wash your face, as either one can cause broken capillaries and make your skin appear blotchy. Exfoliation is often overlooked when it comes to skin care, but it is an essential step to keep you looking young. Microdermabrasion, retinoids, and chemical peels are all great methods by which to exfoliate your skin by removing the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Each is also available for in-home use if you are unable to afford treatments at a spa, so try one of these at home and you’ll notice that your skin is not only clean, but also glowing. Beauty experts do not recommend toners, but others say they are the key to their facial skin routine. Stick with what makes your skin look the best for you. Apply your makeup with clean sponges each time. Give yourself a facial at home once a week or so. There are several facial "recipes" out there. Puffy eyes in the morning can be tamed by placing slices of potatoes or cucumbers over them for a few minutes. For some reason, the puffiness is eased. Bathe only once a day to minimize the possibility of depleting your skin’s moisture. Use lukewarm water (instead of extremely hot or cold water), a soap less cleanser, and limit your bathing or showering times to under 15 minutes to keep your skin from drying out. Use a wide-toothed comb to comb out hair when it is wet to avoid breakage. Regular trims will prevent split ends and give you a new, polished look. Believe it or not, proper nutrition and ample amounts of rest contribute to healthy skin and hair, so make sure to get the proper amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in your food or via supplements. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up the same time each morning.

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Pamper your face with a perfect massage this weekend… March 31, 2012 16:44

Just as you pamper your needs by getting all that you want… pamper your face with that perfect massage… why do you need a massage? Find the explanation further; When the body is in a deep rest it puts the brakes on the systems that pump blood and lymph around the body. At night, when the lymph drainage of toxins form and the tissues slow down, the waste builds up. Puffiness around the face, particularly the eyes, in the morning is just one of the more obvious signs of this; likewise, the relative pallor that follows the nocturnal slow down in blood circulation. It is not only sleep that slows down circulation. During the day, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, shallow breathing and overexposure to pollution – all hazards of modern living – slow the drainage of lymph and flow of blood. Facial Massage via exercise jump-starts both. A pinker glow is the obvious testament to improved blood flow. This is why a monthly facial is so beneficial. An acceleration in lymph action is less visible, but you can assume that if your face is a richer color the lymph has also been stimulated, since it vessels run closer to the surface of the skin, a fluid lymph system shows in a resilient immune system and a bright complexion. Half of the lymph nodes in the body are in the neck, so unblocking them has an immediate effect on the facial skin. How does it work? When you press or squeeze any part of your body, it increases circulation to that area. The face responds particularly well to touch as it is packed with small, sensitive muscle and so richly endowed with endings. Tension, and to a certain extent age, causes the connective tissue between the layers of the facial skin and the facial muscle to become less supple over time. As a result habitual expressions such as frown lines, rigid jaws, pursed lips and staring eyes tend to become set as part of the fabric of the face. The gentle pressure of a facial massage can loosen up the facial muscle and allow them to learn to slide back into place more readily after being tensed. The cumulative effect is such that with repeated treatment your face will be left looking relaxed, and therefore younger. Also, because massage stimulates circulation to the face, your complexion will be toned and glowing. The muscles of the face are extremely delicate. Massage can be tremendously beneficial, but if given too deeply or frequently, it can encourage the muscles to lengthen. So the comparative fragility of older muscles and their adjacent tissues are important to bear in mind. The scalp is a different matter and can be massaged quite vigorously without any harm, with many benefits for the face. Sensitive skin, which is typically fair and dry, should also be massaged with great care. It is more susceptible to the kind of surface damage that causes ‘broken veins’ or couperose (which are not actually broken, but simply closer than usual to the surface, so more visible, and sluggish in constricting action).

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Look beautiful… irrespective of the season! March 30, 2012 16:10

Be it summer or winter or rainy season, irrespective of the atmosphere you want to look your best every day. Then find out how to retain the moisture on your skin, irrespective of the season; Skin care producers always inform you that you had better use facial masks less than 3 times a week. But DIY moisturizing mask will help you. You need a tablet of paper mask, which can always be found in supermarkets or pharmacy, and mineral water. Put the wet paper mask on your face and remove it after 15minutes. It’s the easiest way to refresh your skin and it’s the cheapest facial mask that really helps. If you sit in front of a computer for 8 or more hours a day; If you frequently fly to another city; If you take a job that requires out-door work for hours everyday; then do care for your skin! Take a bottle of facial spray with you; 50ml bottle would be fine and easy to take. Spray your skin every 3~6 hours. Remember to dry your skin 15 seconds after you spray it because after that the moisture in your skin will go with the wind when the spray evaporates. Everyday, eight cups of Water: Yes! Not only your skin but your body need water indeed! According to scientific researches, 6~8 cups of water should be drunk everyday to keep us healthy. Increase your body’s natural moisture level by staying hydrated throughout the day, you will be healthy and your skin will benefit from this. Watering your skin is quite important but it’s not the only thing. Without appropriate cream or lotion, your skin will quickly turn dry even though you spend a lot of time on watering it. Try some aloe vera gel after applying your facial mist, and don’t forget to choose the right moisture cream for you. Combine these two products; the moisture can be perfectly sealed in your skin. Do you have the habit of enjoying bathing for hours or showering in hot water in winter? Then you will probably feel your dry leg skin after your enjoyable hot bath. Don’t take long, hot baths because this can exacerbate dry skin especially in the winter months. When you get out of the shower, gently pat dry your skin and then moisturize right away. Olive oil will help with your dry skin and shower in cold water before you finish can help to lift your skin.

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Journey from Tired to Freshness! March 29, 2012 12:15

More than rest of all months, summer is such a time when we are exhausted and tired more easily. We cannot afford the same to affect our look either. Let us know some quick tips to just get rid of tiredness from our face; Apply shining cream Dry skin will let you look exhausted. So as soon as possible with some containing components of aerobic shining cream. Let your skin to glow with natural luster and bright. Applying foundation cream. We all know that foundation cream not only have a good cover defect function, the more you can glow with shiny. let your eyes look bigger more. You can use the dark eyeline Pencil and dark eye shadow to cover up the small wrinkles around the eyes. The eyes as much as possible to draw biger, it looks spiritedness. with tea bag apply eyes. The two bags of green tea dip in the cold water or ice water, then apply on the eyes. This is to eliminate dark circles is a very effective. wash your face with warm water. First, can wash your face with cold water, let yourself more sober. then washed the dirt with cleansing cream, then rinse off clean with warm water several times, so that each will made face more luster. If you believe, prevention is better than cure, then try out these preventive tips to prevent dullness of your skin; 1. every 1-2 weeks fixed Exfoliate 1 time, to remove the old skin cells, waste, dirt, clean pores, references bright color. 2. on the dark skin, the “moisture” is very important. Therefore, the basis of the daily maintenance is not the lack of moisturizing products. Shikishima best weekly 1st Mask, so that the skin to maintain adequate moisture. 3. to help massage the skin to speed up the metabolism, so that follow-up smear better absorption of skin care products, but also can prevent dull color. Concrete operation is as follows: coated massage products, with pulp easily repeated the whole face, with special reference to the site to strengthen the massage uneven color, using pulp products residues hands knead with the palm of your hand wrapped the face, use the palm of your hand to promote the products to absorb the temperature.

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Treat the Tan on Your hands and feet! March 28, 2012 13:31

Skin care on face, we would definitely take care about the same… but what about the tan on your hands and feet? We women need to be beautiful from tip to toe… here are some quick yet easy to follow tips that would help you to get rid of that not needed tan on your hands and feet;Exfoliating cream – Wet the tanned area on your hands with warm water. Apply the exfoliating cream on the area and rinse it using warm water again. The topmost layers of your skin, that has got the tan, will be removed leaving the lighter layer beneath. Lemon juice – The acidic nature of lemon juice makes it a very good natural ingredient for fading or removing tanned skin. Apply lemon juice on the affected area. You can rub a cut lemon directly on the skin or squeeze the juice on a washcloth and use it to swab the tanned skin. Allow the lemon juice to get soaked up by your skin for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse and apply a moisturising lotion immediately. This would remove sun tan on by now. Lemon, yoghurt and gram flour – Make a paste out of these three ingredients apply it on the affected area of your arm. You can rinse the mixture with warm water now. This is even better than using lemon alone. You need to follow this up with exfoliation of skin twice or thrice a day. The skin will keep on fading and you can stop when it reaches the desired colour. Baking Soda – Make a paste of baking soda and use it to scrub the tanned areas of the body. This is very effective in fading the tan. Sunscreen with high SPF – Using sunscreen with high SPF prevents your tan to increase its intensity. This is needed if you need to stay in the sun. You can try the other methods when at home but do not forget to apply high SPF sunscreen when out in the sun. Cover your body with long clothing – Another good way to protect yourself from tanning is to cover your arms with full sleeves. This will naturally prevent your hands from getting tanned even more. You can use the abovementioned methods to remove sun tan.

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Tips for body care March 27, 2012 13:16

After a day long work, you can observe not only your mind but even your skin experiencing that tiredness. For brain, you need a good sleep and relaxation and for your skin to get relaxed? Let’s find out what can be done; AGE - OLD PROBLEM AREAS The neck, eyes and hands are all dead giveaways of advancing years. Here's how to help beat the test of time – NECK The skin on the neck is more sensitive than face skin. Avoid spraying perfume on the neck, especially during the day as sunlight can activate it causing irritation. Always apply a moisturiser to the neck using gentle, upward strokes to avoid pulling. EYES We all have laughter lines but put off the deep wrinkles by applying a light eye cream or even better, eye gel, using gentle patting action all around the orbital bones. Do not screw up eyes to shield out the suns rays - invest in a good pair of sunglasses and wear them! HANDS Skin on the hands can be quite delicate and dries out easily. Try to wear gloves for washing up and gardening and always use a handcream each time the hands get wet. If you cannot bare the gloves, use a barrier cream before washing up. A handcream which contains an added sun-screen will help too. DID YOU KNOW That skin is relatively thin at birth, increasing in thickness during childhood. In our early twenties the thickness of our skin gradually begins to decline and by the time a woman reaches her fifties the skin in thinning quite abruptly. The sun is the skins worst enemy and sun-worshippers almost always appear visibly older than their non-sun lover contemporaries. TOP TIP Tea, coffee and alcohol all have a dehydrating effect on the skin. If you do indulge, always drink a large glass of water before bedtime to re-hydrate the skin. Quick tips for Reviving your tired skin; Drink lots of water to combat dullness and dehydration. Do 30 minutes exercise several times a week. Even a brisk walk will make the skin glow with health. Refrigerate eye gel before use. Invest in a good concealer, use after a late night to brighten eye area. Pat on with finger gently a small amount at a time. Wake skin up in the morning by applying a very cold, wet flannel for a few minutes.

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Coloring your hair? Just wait.. March 26, 2012 11:29

Well, I would never say you should not color your hair as it would damage your hair… I suppose you are well aware of what measures to be taken after coloring your hair, to protect the texture of your hair. It is just that a wrong hair color on your hair, that would absolutely not suit your skin color, could make a major adverse difference on your look as well. so, just wait, read further and choose that perfect hair color for you; If you have a blemished skin avoid the solid all-over colours that are really very blonde or very dark. These two extremes are really only flattering to those under 25 and with clear skins. If you have pinkish tones in your cheeks, across your nose or have a tendency to blush, avoid the pinky reds e.g. burgundy's, wine reds and mahoganies. Adding more pink or red will only add to those unwanted skin tones. Your skin tone is categorized as being either cool (olive/yellow based or dark) or warm (fair or pinkish undertones). If you add more of the tones you have in your skin to your hair you will make yourself look ill or washed out. This is because your hair will begin to either blend with your skin color or exaggerate unwanted skin tones. Examples of this are those of you that have red cheeks or blush easily, would generally be warm skin toned and should not add pinky reds to the hair as it would exaggerate the red cheeks. If you have lots of olive tones in your skin color then choosing a golden blonde or soft copper colour would make you look more yellow and sick and enhance any dark circles under your eyes. Your eye colour in combination with how dark or light your skin is plays a big part in how light or how dark a colour should be, to bring out your best rather than to wash you out. Try this for a guide: Light eye colour with dark skin or dark eye co lour with light skin: anything goes. Light eyes with light skin: stay light/fair with your hair depth. Light eyes medium skin/ Medium eye depth with light skin - try colours light to medium in depth. Medium eye colour depth, medium skin- only the dark blondes and light browns are for you. Medium eyes with dark skin/ Dark eyes with medium skin - stay with the dark to medium level colors in your hair. Dark eyes, dark skin: you guessed it: dark hair too. Apart from a hair color as such, you can also think opting for the alternative coloring methods like; Alternative Colouring Methods: Colouring using Henna or Plant based products. Progressive Dyes Thinking about Highlights? Check here first!. Changing Your Hair Colour 'Deeper, Richer, Warmer' colours for your hair Blonde, Blonde and more Blonde Caring for Colored Hair All you need to know about Allergies to Hair Dye and Henna What suits the best for you and what you want on your hair, you are the final decision maker!

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