This is not new to us... and we regret this ill practice that has been a question mark for a woman's individuality, freedom and identity from ages... but, certain incidents might turn to be a wakeup call to change the society.
It has been 3 months, Nirbhaya has left the world. The incident happened to this Delhi based Engineering Student and the victim leaving the world after two days of brutal incident happening on her, stood out to be a wakeup call for entire World.
Though these kinds of incidents have been happening from ages, this time, every Woman chose to protest against it. After all, for how many more years, we Women will bear these with a silence???
Our voice have definitely reached till the Government authorities... n number of rules and regulations, amendments in the existing rules, bills favoring we Women have been passed by the authorities...
Recently, the entire Delhi, especially Men living in this place chose to raise their support for Womanhood...
They chose to express their condolence to Nribhaya and dressed in black, walked in rally, urging every Woman to forgive them.
'we all are not alike... even we do care for the protection of Women. Please forgive us and believe us... we are changing, changing towards the survival of Woman hood... we urge the rest of men also to change'... with these statements, the rally by men included college students and working professionals at a great extent...
For all those men who are reading this article... possess some respect on the Woman in your life and around you... don't forget you are a human being so behave like one... if not protecting us, don't harm us at least...
Let not any other 'Nirbhaya' face a brutal attack and repent on her birth...