Islam rebels ban Samosa in Somalia

July 27, 2011 18:30
Islam rebels ban Samosa in Somalia

samosaIn a bizarre decision, the Al-Qaeda -linked Al-Shabaab extremist group of war-torn Somalia has banned the cooking, buying and consumption of the food item Samosas, called sambusas, saying they looked too western and resembled the Christian Holy Trinity, the Daily Mail reported.

The UN last week declared famine in Somalia and warned of starvation deaths for millions of people soon. The UN authorities offered to send aid workers with food items to come to the rescue of starving people but the extremists refused to allow them into the country.

The Al-Shabaab had earlier said it would allow foreign agencies to bring in vital food items into the country to prevent the masses from dying of hunger. But suddenly, it changed its decision and said there was no famine in the country.

“The Western governments have found a pretext in the name of famine to unleash its propaganda in the country,” the group said and warned of strict punishment to those found cooking, buying and consumption of Samosas in the country.

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