Royal Challengers Bangalore player Luke Pomersbach will appear before the Delhi Court on Saturday in connection with the molestation case slapped against him by a US national. The court will held today decide whether the bail on Luke can be extended or he be handed over to the police for custody.
Following a complaint by a US national that Luke molested her and later punched her fiancée at five star hotel in Delhi in the early hours of Friday, the police arrested Luke Pomersbach on the same day. He was, however, released on interim bail. The court directed Luke to appear before the court.
Meanwhile, the Indian Premier League stated that what Luke was personal and IPL had no role to play in it as the alleged party (during which the molestation allegedly took place) was not arranged by the league.
Nonetheless, the director of Royal Challengers Bangalore, Sidhartha Mallya found fault with the woman who complained and allegedly made derogatory remarks on her. He said what she did was idiotic. These messages were allegedly posted by him on twitter profile. He faced criticism from several circles due to the derogatory postings.
Commenting on the postings made by his son, Vijay Mallya told a national news channel that his son can defend himself. He, however, made it clear that Luke Pomersbach will not take part in the ongoing IPL tournament till he’s proves his innocence.
The police will now have to go through the CCTV footage at the hotel to find out the exact thing that happened. Further, the Court directed the police to give a report on physical injuries of complainant and her fiancée. (Phani)