Rain might play the bad guy for London olympic events

July 07, 2012 17:16
Rain might play the bad guy for London olympic events

Experiencing the wettest June in London's years of history, the nation can only hope that rain doesn't play “spoilsport”. Even the retractable roofs in the stadium couldn't prevent the frequent delay in games; how much worse is it going to be for the olympic events to be hosted this month.

The fact that the wettest june was recorded this year has become the concern of the Olympic officials. With the games only 20 days away they can do nothing than just pray that the weather becomes fit for the events to be held. Charles Powell of the Met department says, “It natural that the weather is variable. That is how British weather is”.

The country is at the mercy of winds swooping in from the Atlantic ocean and dry air from Europe. Trench coats are as common as denims. The weather can be so unpredictable you can experience all four seasons on a single afternoon. No resident of the place moves out without an unbrella and sunglasses. You dont like today's weather.. then worry not; it is likely to change in an hour or 2.

However, the Olympic organizers arent worried about the weather. They say “We are ready for any eventuality. The weather is something we are used to and we have made plans accordingly”. Debbie Jevans Director of sport for the games said “The weather here is a fact of life. That is what makes our country so green and lovely.”

AW- Anil

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