Arvind Kejriwas was under fire from Kiran Bedi, both members of the erstwhile Team Anna on Tuesday as she indirectly said that he had also become a "suspect" after they chose the political route to ensure a Jan Lokpal Bill. She also suggested that Anna himself should step in, intervene and provide a direction to the issue.
She had also bashed out at Arvind on the issue of his agitations on the streets by India Against Corruption which he led, as she questioned, "are we a movement for a cause, which was Jan Lokpal Bill, Right to Reject etc or a mass of agitation-ists?"
When she was asked if disbanding the Team Anna had made the corrupt officials more confident, Bedi said that the pressure they felt earlier could have reduced now.
She had made her remarks on the microblogging site, Twitter after several questions had been flung at her asking her why she preferred to target only Congress and not BJP in the fight agains corruption.
"Ever since few have opted for political route the movement has become suspect in its programmes. Anna needs to step in to direct," Bedi said.
(AW- Anil)