Abu Jundal had been deported to India after he was intercepted at the airport in Saudi Arabia but the wait for Fasih Monhammad continues to be indefinite as Saudi officials quote that they would like to investigate Fasih.
It is estimated that the wait could be longer with the Saudi Government being concerned of Fasih and other terrorist's presence and possible association with the Gulf. Saudi government appears to be toughening its stand on his deportation.
According to a few reliable sources, Saudi Arabia had informed India that Fasih's stint in the country would be investigate deeper before they decide when to deport him if at all.
Western Asia, as revealed by the recent arrests in Delhi, Karnataka, Jammu and Kashmir, is proving to be the source of the hawala money to all such terrorist's activities. It is also known that the money is being routed through Nepal.
The 28 year old is allegedly promised money for his activities as a part of the Indian Mujahideen Operations in India.
Fasih originally hails from Darbangha in Bihar who had left to Gulf working as a mechanical engineer while being based in Jubail since June 2007.
After the issue had become public, national security advisor Shivshankar Menon mentioned that Saudi had been unhappy about the disclosure. The disclosure would make public the sources that handed over the terrorists to the nation and it would bear a negative effect in the future.
(AW- Anil)