Private bus drivers only have fake licenses

April 08, 2013 11:41
Private bus drivers only have fake licenses

The country is yet to be recovered from the heart wrenching Delhi gang rape case . Now the other alarming fact that the private bus drivers don't even have proper driving license . It is worth mentioning that on December 16th  the unfortunate girl was raped in a moving private bus.

Even though  a lots of promises in front of the angry nation were made,  the Government is not taking any adequate steps to stop this kind of savage act. Security of woman in any public transport system should have been the priority no one and organize the database of drivers and other crew members should have been must ASAP.

But the words such as fake license, face id card, even fake ration card will definitely make people frown with disgust . 4 months after the death of the brave girl the sorry state of affairs continues.


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