Saudi Arabia donates another US$100 million to UN

August 08, 2013 17:31
Saudi Arabia donates another US$100 million to UN

The fact that Saudi media reported on Thursday, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has brought into prominence a further donation of US$100 million to establish a United Nations centre for fighting terrorism. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia signed an agreement along with the UN in 2011 to initiate the centre as well as the oil-rich Gulf monarchy has already donated US$10 million towards its launch.

Furthermore, it was quoted by official news agency SPA that King Abdullah said in a speech emphasizing Eid al-Fitr, the holiday celebrating the conclusion of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan, that he announce a donation from the kingdom of Saudi Arabia of US$100 million to support this centre and work for its activation under the umbrella of the United Nations. In fact, the king called on the international community to support the centre to get rid of the forces of hatred, extremism as well as criminality.

That's undoubtedly a very noble cause perhaps that would be one such reasons for welcoming world peace.

(AW:Samrat Biswas)

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