Asaram Bapu is in Jodhpur jail at present facing a charge of sexual assault case on a minor living in his ashram at Jodhpur. Ahmedabad police went to Jodhpur to take custody of Asaram and to bring him to Ahmedabad in another case in which his son Narayana Sai is also involved. After the FIR registered on him Narayana Sai is absconding and police are still searching for him.
In the case Narayana Sai is also involved; it was the complaint of two sisters who were abused a number of times by the godmen. One of the sisters said that he used to ask her always to go to him and be around. She also complained that girls were sent to the persons who worked for him. Ahmedabad police are bringing Asaram today from Jodhpur with regards to this case of two sisters’ complaint of sexual abuse of father and son of self styled godmen.
Another case connected to the death of a suspicious nature of a 30 year old disciple of Ashram of Asaram is getting ready in Madhya Pradesh to tight noose around Asaram.
The Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi has summoned asked DGP of the State to submit updates to him on the case.