Rashtriya Janata Dal [RJD] president Lalu Prasad Yadav's daughter Misa Bharti has booked for allegedly disturbing the election process. According to the Danapur sub-divisional officer [SDO] Rahul Kumar, an FIR was registered on Misa Bharti for violating the election code. Bharti reportedly entered polling centre number 34 of the Bikram Assembly segment of the Patliputra Lok Sabha constituency and damaged the Electronic Voting Machine [EVM].
Presiding officer Sheo Pujan Jha of the polling Booth accused that Bharti has pushed him away and then broke the EVM. As per the directions of Election Commission, the local police have filed a complaint on Bharti and a probe is ordered.
On the other hand, Misa Bharti approached Bihta police station and registered a complaint against the presiding officer of the polling booth on the charges of misbehavior.
(AW: Vamshi)