It will be a honor to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi who is expected to address the US Congress in Washington during his visit to America after US denied his visa for his alleged involvement in the massacre of Muslims in the state of Gujarat in 2002.
US showing eagerness to have good relation with Modi, is opening doors to US to shake off the unpleasant feeling of Visa denial to him in 2005. The United States, which sees India as a natural ally and potential counterbalance to China in Asia, is eager to expand business and security cooperation with the Modi government.
Modi will have the honor of addressing the joint session of the House and Senate in US during his visit as the Chairman of the House Ed Royce writes the Speaker of the House John Boehner to invite Mode for addressing the joint session. Congressional aides expect a letter soon to the Prime Minister of India to that effect.
Modi was denied Visa in 2005 in the administration of George Bush. 1998 US law bars entry of foreigners seriously violated religious freedom.
On the day of Narendra Modi wearing in ceremony as Prime Minister of India, the US President Barack Obama congratulated Modi and invited him to White House at the earliest possible time.
In every aspect - whether it be in political, economic or security relations - the United States has no more important partner in South Asia," the letter of Ed Royce says, "It is not an overstatement to say that the US-India relationship will be one of the defining partnerships of the 21st century."