The Tamil Nadu government has released gazette which said, former chief minister and AIADMK chief is disqualified to contest the election for next ten years. The gazette notification with date November 8, was released by Tamil Nadu Assembly Speaker P Dhanapal which said, “Jayalalithaa stands disqualified for being a Member of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly from the date of conviction, i.e., the 27th day of September, 2014 for the period of her sentence.”
It also said, “she [Jayalalithaa] shall continue to be disqualified for a further period of six years since her release in terms of the existing Section 8 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 and Srirangam Assembly Constituency, represented by Jayalalithaa shall be deemed to have become vacant from the date of her conviction, September 27.”
Jayalalithaa was convicted and sentenced to four years jail along with a fine of Rs 100 crore in a 18-year-old disproportionate assets case by a special court in Bangalore. She was released from jail on October 17 as the Supreme Court granted her bail.
(AW: Vamshi)