Opening a Pandora’s Box and provoking the pro-Telangana political parties and groups, Union Minister Mr S. Jaipal reddy, who belongs to the Telangana area, said today that people should not advocate regionalism or sub regionalism.
Speaking after the Transport minister Botsa Satyanarayana took oath as PCC chief at Gandhi Bhavan in Hyderabad, Jaipal reddy asked people to remain nationalistic to the core and not support regionalism and sub-regionalism.
“Congress only can keep the country united and it is the only nationalistic party,” he said finding fault with BJP. Jaipal reddy said that chief minister Kirankumar reddy has been discharging his responsibilities in the most efficient manner and new PCC chief Botsa will bring the past glory back to the party in the state.
Harish Rao objects
Pro-Telangana groups are up in arms against Jaipal Reddy. Taking objection to the remarks, TRS leader Harish Rao said that Jaipal reddy, being a son of Telangana, should not have spoken in the manner he did. “Jaipal reddy must resign his Union Cabinet post and participate in the Telangana agitation,” Harish demanded, adding Jaipal will remain a Telangana betrayer in case he doesn’t resign his post.
“Just because we are demanding separate Telangana state, no one can say we are not nationalistic,” Harish cautioned.
Speaking after the Transport minister Botsa Satyanarayana took oath as PCC chief at Gandhi Bhavan in Hyderabad, Jaipal reddy asked people to remain nationalistic to the core and not support regionalism and sub-regionalism.
“Congress only can keep the country united and it is the only nationalistic party,” he said finding fault with BJP. Jaipal reddy said that chief minister Kirankumar reddy has been discharging his responsibilities in the most efficient manner and new PCC chief Botsa will bring the past glory back to the party in the state.
Harish Rao objects
Pro-Telangana groups are up in arms against Jaipal Reddy. Taking objection to the remarks, TRS leader Harish Rao said that Jaipal reddy, being a son of Telangana, should not have spoken in the manner he did. “Jaipal reddy must resign his Union Cabinet post and participate in the Telangana agitation,” Harish demanded, adding Jaipal will remain a Telangana betrayer in case he doesn’t resign his post.
“Just because we are demanding separate Telangana state, no one can say we are not nationalistic,” Harish cautioned.