The CBI officials are continuing with their searches at the offices and premises of the tainted former Karnataka minister Mr Gali Janardhan Reddy at Bellary and Bangalore. The raids that began this morning are still continuing when reports last came in.
The CBI officials, who arrested him this morning at Bellary and sent him to Chanchalguda jail in Hyderabad later for illegal mining, also seized his two helicopters, two Rolls Royce cars worth Rs.10 Cr, his passport and Visas. Reports said that the CBI took control of his axis bank accounts with court permission.
Meanwhile, Lok Satta chief Mr Jayaprakash Narayana demanded the CBI to confiscate the entire property of Gali brothers as there was evidence for his illegalities in mining in both Karnataka and AP.
“The officials who connived with Gali Janardhan reddy and issued licenses and allowed the illegal mining after taking bribes should also be punished and their properties confiscated,” Mr Jayaprakash Narayana demanded.