Seized Gali property brought to Hyderabad

September 06, 2011 19:56
Seized Gali property brought to Hyderabad

GaliLatest4AWThe CBI today moved to its Hyderabad office all the articles, cash, gold, files and papers seized from the residences of the tainted former Karnataka Minister Mr Gali Janardhan Reddy and the Obulapuram Mining Company MD Mr Srinivasa Reddy.

The CBI authorities seized currency bundles worth Rs.4.5 Cr, more than 30 kg of gold and some unspecified quantity of silver from their houses. Bundles of documents denoting their bank accounts in various banks, pass ports and visa papers were also recovered from them.

Documents and files relating to OMC’s iron ore stocks piled up at various sea ports in India were also recovered. These files were stashed in four trunk boxes. Besides, imported vehicles worth Rs.15 Cr and a helicopter were also seized from the premises of Janardhan reddy and his brother in law Mr Srinivasa reddy in Bellary.

Except for the vehicles and the helicopter, all other valuable items, neatly arranged in a number of boxes, were brought to the CBI office at Kendriya Sadan at Koti. However, it is not yet clear whether the seized vehicles and helicopter would also be brought to Hyderabad or allowed to stay put at CBI’s Bangalore office.

In another development, the CBI has interacted with the income tax department and gave them the details of the items seized from Gali house.

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