CBI officials found Rs. 2.5 Cr cash and 14 kg of gold in the Axis bank lockers of Mr Srinivasa Reddy, Gali Janardhan Reddy’s brother-in-law and MD of the Obulapuram Mining Company (OMC) in Bellary town today.
The officials, accompanied by Mr Srinivasa Reddy, his lawyers and the local police went to the Axis bank and opened the lockers and found the money and gold. CBI seized the entire booty found in the lockers.
CBI sleuths took Mr Srinivasa reddy this morning from Hyderabad to Bellary to open his lockers. Reports said that the CBI will stay overnight in Bellary along with Mr Srinivasa reddy and open his lockers in the other banks in the town.
On the other hand, CBI is investigating the source of Rs.4.95 Cr seized two days ago by the Guntakal police from a lorry which was heading to Hyderabad from Bellary. The money was said to be belonging to Srinivasa reddy.
As part of the investigations, former MD of the APMDC, Mr Rajagopal attended the CBI questioning for the third day today at the CBI office in Hyderabad in the illegal mining case. CBI teams, with the help of the local police, today raided the houses of relatives of Mr. Rajagopal in Ananthapuram and seized some records.