The Special CBI court at Nampally in Hyderabad today extended the judicial remand of the arrested mining mafia don Mr Gali Janardhan reddy and his brother-in-law Mr Srinivasa reddy in the illegal mining case till Oct 17.
The remand was extended as the CBI submitted a memo seeking their further judicial custody for a period of 14 days.
The CBI court decided to hear the case through video conferencing as the jail authorities said that the arrested duo were facing a security threat to their lives and it was not advisable to bring them to the court.
Cases registered in Karnataka against Gali
The CBI officials of the Bangalore circle have also registered two cases against the Gali brothers and their followers on the orders of the Supreme Court in the illegal mining case in the Bellary district of Karnataka.
Meanwhile, Bangalore CBI officials raided the offices and houses of Gali Janardhan reddy and his followers in Bellary, Chitradurga and Bangalore today.
Officials carried out searches at the offices of Associated Mining Company and Deccan Mining company and recovered some incriminating documents and computer hard disks. The houses and offices of Karnataka BJP MLA Mr. Nagendra Reddy, a close follower of Gali Janardhan reddy, were also raided by the CBI teams.