CBI, after getting enough evidence to prove illegal mining charges against Gali Janardhan reddy, is readying to prepare a charge sheet in the case.
CBI has got enough evidence from a laptop seized by it to prove charges against him. The lap top was used by Gali Janardhan reddy’s PA Mr Ali Khan. Mr Khan has been on the run and CBI issued a look out notice for him at all airports but till now it failed to catch him.
CBI also feels the life of Mr Ali Khan is also under threat and indicated that it is trying its best to save his life by arresting him.
Some files in the lap top say that Gali Janardhan reddy resorted to illegal mining of iron ore in the Karnataka reserve forest, mostly in areas of Karwar and Kalahalli and exported it to foreign countries in the name of Obulapuram Mining Company (OMC).
The lap top says Gali threatened some 15 mining contractors in those areas and resorted to illegal mining in their leased areas.
The quality of iron ore exported from several ports in south India is very high and iron ore of such quality is not available in Obulapuram mines. The iron ore of such quality is available only the two areas of Karwar and Kalahalli.