A Hyderabad advocate today filed a petition in the special CBI court at Nampally seeking directions to the CBI to register FIRs against the Home Minister Sabitha Indra reddy and some other ministers and a few IAS officials for their role in the case registered against the YSR Congress party president Mr Y S Jaganmohan reddy for allegedly possessing illegal properties.
The lawyer, Mr Sudhakar Reddy, argued in his petition that the CBI has chosen to leave ministers like Sabitha Indra reddy, Dharmana Prasada Rao, Mopidevi Venkataramana, Geetha Reddy, Ponnala Lakshmaiah and Kanna Lakshminarayana and IAS officers like PVSK Sarma, SV Prasad, Samuel, Adityannath Das, Rathna Prabha, Manmohan Singh, Srilakshmi and Syam Babu in the illegal properties case.
“Cases must also be registered against them and they must be thoroughly investigated for their role in the Jagan case,” he sought in his petition. “More facts will come to light if they are investigated,” he said.
Revenue officials attend CBI questioning
Revenue officials today attended before the CBI officials in Hyderabad and answered questions in the Jagan’s illegal properties case.
They were asked to answer several questions with regard to the properties owned and purchased by Jagan in the last few years. (JUBS)