CBI counsel filed a counter in the special court of Nampally on Friday rejecting the allegations of Sakshi daily vice chairman Mr Vijayasai Reddy saying that the late chief minister YSR was also a conspirator in the alleged illegal properties case registered against YSR Congress president YS Jaganmohan reddy.
“The late YSR was a conspirator and diverted funds to the tune of Rs.533 Cr to his son Jagan but his name has not been included in the charge sheet as he was dead,” said CBI.
The counter was in response to Vijayasai reddy’s petition in which it was alleged CBI has been crossing its limits in the investigation in Jagan’s properties case and forcing witnesses to give evidence.
The CBI said that Jagan had created fictitious companies and benefited financially misusing his father’s position as CM. “Vijayasai reddy never cooperated with the CBI and he has never opened his mouth. Even if he attends our office for another 100 times, he would never open his mouth,” said CBI, alleging that Vijayasai reddy has been trying to create hurdles in the investigation.
CBI has not threatened any one or forced any one during the course of investigation, said CBI counsel in their counter. The court then adjourned the case till Dec 13. (JUBS)