The special CBI court of Nampally in Hyderabad today adjourned till tomorrow the hearing on the bail petitions of Gali Janardhan reddy and BV Srinivasa reddy, accused number 1 and 2 in the illegal mining case.
Both of them are presently lodged in the Chanchalguda jail. This is the fourth time the tainted duo has applied for bail in the court. They seem be guided by the belief that ‘try and try till you get bail’ and are leaving no stone unturned to get bail as soon as possible.
CBI took the efforts of the accused to get bail very seriously and has specially flown in one of the country’s top most lawyers and Solicitor General Mr Parasaran to argue its case.
Parasaran, opposing the bail, highlighted the seriousness of the case and pleaded with the special judge Mr Naga Maruthy Sarma not to grant bail “Both the accused are very eager to get the bail and influence the witnesses in the case,” argued Parasaran who will continue his arguments on Friday too.
CBI has a reason for taking the case seriously as Mr Rajagopal, accused number 3 in the case, was granted bail by the special court on medical grounds. The CBI later filed a petition in the HC seeking cancellation of the bail after succeeding in getting it suspended by the lower court. (JUBS)