A special CBI court of Delhi today sent the former telecom minister Mr Sukh Ram to jail after he surrendered in the court in an ambulance.
The 84-year old ailing leader was sent to jail in a graft case for accepting Rs.3 lakh as bribe after showing undue favours to a cable supply company during his tenure as communications minister in 1993.
The CBI court had convicted him in 2002 for a three year jail term for his involvement in awarding a contract to a Hyderabad firm for supplying telecom equipment to the government at exorbitant rates.
Sukh Ram was brought to the court in an ambulance from the hospital where he was being treated and the judge Sanjeev Jain came out of the court to take a look at him in the ambulance.
Earlier, Sukh Ram’s counsel told the court that his client had slipped into coma. Still the court has asked the counsel to bring Sukh Ram to the court. (JUBS)