The maverick textiles minister Shankar Rao is at it again. In a letter faxed to the congress president Sonia Gandhi today, the minister charged that the conspiracy to kill the TDP leader Paritala Ravi in 2005 was hatched at the farm house of Sabitha Indra Reddy, Home Minister.
In an 8-page letter, Shankar rao charged Paritala Ravi was murdered on Jan 24, 2005 as per the conspiracy hatched at the farm house of Sabitha Indra reddy.
Charging Sabitha Indra reddy’s son Mr Karthik reddy with land grabbing, the minister said that the chief minister Kirankumar reddy has not initiated any action against Karthik reddy and LB Nagar MLA Mr Sudhir reddy who he alleged were responsible for the attack on him at LB Nagar one month ago.
“It is very sad that Kirankumar reddy has been silent on the issue despite my demands. I request you to ensure action against Karthik Reddy and Sudhir reddy who were responsible for the attack on me,” he said in his letter.
The minister demanded registration of FIR against Karthik reddy under various sections of the SC and ST Atrocities Act. “You can’t afford to distance away from the SCs and STs,” he told Sonia in his letter.
The minister said that Kirankumar reddy has also been resorting to corruption and asked the party high command to get an IB report on his corruption. “If necessary, he should be removed from the post,” Shankar rao suggested. (JUBS)