CM Kirankumar Reddy has decided to review the congress affairs of the Kadapa district at a meeting in Tirupati sans the Health Minister DL Ravindra Reddy today.
All ministers, MLAs, MLCs and congress leaders of the district left for Tirupati today from Kadapa to participate in the specially convened meeting to be presided over by Kirankumar. The meeting will discuss the strategy to be adopted in view of the forthcoming by elections.
DL Ravindra Reddy contested against YSR Congress president YS Jaganmohan Reddy
in the Kadapa by election and lost to him with heavy margin.
Congress sources said CM has decided to isolate Ravindra Reddy in the district politics and make him a loner. Ravindra Reddy earlier wrote to CM he would not attend the review meeting if the meeting was held in Tirupati. Still, CM went ahead with his plan of conducting the meeting there.
CM has curtailed the portfolios of Ravindra Reddy last week and the latter has been impatient over the action of the former.
Ravindra reddy bore the brunt of CM’s anger as the former had developed the habit of criticizing Kirankumar on each and every policy decision. (JUBS)