Speeding car rams into two wheelers claiming the lives of one couple, while another are admitted in hospital. The driver is absconding after the accident on Tuesday at Moinabad. The deceased were identified as S Mallayya (45), a forest department official and his wife Manemma (40). The couple succumbed on the spot. The injured were identified as Narasimha and his wife Jamuna.
The Alto car was moving from Vikarabad towards the accident spot at Tollkatta X roads. The speeding vehicle rammed into the two wheelers and the driver fled the scene. Police have registered a case and are on the lookout for the missing driver. The driver inabsentia has been booked for offenses under Sections 304-A (causing death due to rash or negligent act) and 337 (causing injuries due to rash or negligent act) of the IPC. (With inputs from internet: AarKay)