The incidents of counterfeit currency and fake credit cards are coming into news frequently. A similar incident came to light in Karimnagar district on Wednesday. The police arrested a gang that was allegedly printing counterfeit currency. The police has said that a person named Shankar, who hailed from Godavarikhani, gathered 10 persons-with criminal minds-from one place and formed into a team.
The team reportedly acquired the software to print the fake notes. With the help of a computer and three printers, the team used to allegedly print counterfeit currency. Later they used to distribute these notes among the public. On getting information from credible sources, police plunged into the picture and nabbed the team.
The police recovered four lakh fifty three thousand rupees fake notes from them. They also recovered a computer and three printers that the gang allegedly used to print them.
One has to check properly the high denomination notes because we never know whether they are original or fake ones since counterfeit gang incidents are being witnessed every otherday. Also, people should be very careful while using the credit cards especially while making transactions online. The government should bring in special laws to protect country’s economy. All those involved in counterfeit currency should be punished with lifers. (Phani)