BCCI chief and India Cements managing director, N Srinivasan has appeared before the CBI in Hyderabad in connection with illegal assets case. Srinivasan is currently at Dilkusha Guest House, where Jaganmohan Reddy was questioned and arrested. CBI slueths are reportedly quizzing Srinivasan on a couple of matters.
The sources have said that CBI is looking into the alleged investments made by India Cements in the companies owned by Jaganmohan Reddy when the latter's father was the chief minister of Andhra Pradesh. It may be recalled that CBI filed three charge sheets in illegal assets case and told the court that Jagan used the influence of his father to doll out favours to certain companies that invested in his companies.
It is known that Jaganmohan Reddy is the prime accused in the case and is under judicial custody up to June 25.
(AW Phani)