The Hyderabad police today registered a case for making public the call data of one Ms Chandrabala, by a few persons. The Cyberabad police registered a case for intruding into the privacy of a person. The case was registered on Sakshi Media's senior reporter K Yadagiri Reddy and the Nacharam Circle Inspector Srinivasarao under sections 120 B, redwith 505(2) and 509.
The Cyberabad police said that Vasireddy Chandrabala, the IBM employee and Mr Laxminarayana’s classmate, had lodged a complaint on Monday regarding the manner in which her call data was obtained and exposed by the YSR Congress.
Earlier, a police official said, “No individual can be allowed access to the call detail record and it is an offence under the Indian Telegraph and IT Act.” (With inputs from internet- AW AarKay)