Bollywood's original superstar Rajesh Khanna's last rites would be performed today. Amidst an elite gathering from all fields, Rajesh Khanna will receive a royal send-off at 11 am on Thursday in Mumbai. The funeral procession will begin at his house Aashirwad in some time. The son-in-law of Rajesh Khanna, Akshay Kumar (who was available to the media after the death of Kaka) has said that Rajesh Khanna had gone to a nice and heavenly place and said they (the family members) were happy about it.
It may be noted that the legendary actor passed away at his residence in Mumbai yesterday over prolonged illness. There was not even one actor who could not refrain themselves from breaking into tears after hearing the news of Rajesh Khanna's death. Indian Cinema really lost some part of its charm with the death of Kaka. May his soul rest in peace!
(AW Phani)