The Bangalore Central Crime Branch police arrested a B.Com first year student in Hyderabad last evening for his alleged links with terror outfits. The arrested student was reportedly shifted to Bangalore for further investigation. The police learned the alleged links of this student with terror outfits after they interrogated 11 persons who were arrested in Bangalore on Thursday evening. The sources said that the arrested student in Hyderabad also reportedly played a key role in Bangalore blasts, which took place in 2008.
The accused was identified as one Obaid Ur Rahman, a resident of Chandrayanagutta in Hyderabad. The sources also apparently said that four more persons were picked up from Hyderabad along with Obaid Ur Rahman including Mohammed Akram, a resident of Himayatnagar and Khairulla. However, there's no confirmation on this although the arrest of Obaid Ur Rahman was confirmed. The police sources said that the accused were linked to spreading of hate SMSes after Assam riots to create a communal clashes.