Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy was today at Vetapalem in the Krishna District. He was addressing the issues raised by the weaver community of the village in the Indiramma Bata launched in the village. The mass contact programme engulfed with various welfare measures was particularly launched by the CM across the state. Lot of work before the general elections in 2014, say observers.
In his address to the weaver community, CM assured them that their issues will be taken up and addressed shortly. He gave a patient hearing to their woos and counseled them. He said to provide them better living standards through continuous employment, he would conduct a meet with their representatives. This meet will devise a specific agenda for their development.
"The purpose of launching the 'Bata' programmes in every district would be to assess whether these schemes are reaching the beneficiaries or not at the grass-root level. If there are any lacunae in the system, we will change the schemes accordingly," said Mr Reddy earlier. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)