Awesome crowds was encouraging Telugu Desam Party President N Chandrababu Naidu on his first leg of Vastunna Mee Kosam in Anantapur District. On Thursday it was no different as the leader entered the Kanekal Mandal. The whole place enroute wore a festive look and people gathered in large numbers. Even far flung villagers flocked to have a glimpse of the leader. He almost spoke to everyone and addressed their issues in particular.
Few important messages that the leader gave during his various addresses today were:
1. This padayatra is to show my gratitude to the public who had waited patiently.
2. Only TDP can save the state, from the clutches of the corrupted parties.
3. The last nine years were disastrous for the state.
The TDP Supremo has successfully accomplished his desired results in the first leg of his journey. And what ever comes later is bonus and critics feel that will be abundant. Wishesh brings out a photo feature of this mammoth event that has made the skeptics miss a heart beat.
(With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)