People made their hearts as a red carpet, to welcome the Telugu Desam Party President Nara Chandrababu in Vastunna Mee Kosam. The walkathon that was on its first leg commenced on Gandhi Jayanthi in Anatapur District. This walk is to show my gratitude to you, in particular...nine year Congress rule had been disastrous for the state....TDP is the only alternative to get back on the track...both the parties are corrupted..only TDP can give a 'clean' rule. These were the leader's repeated emphasis enroute on Thursday.
After a brief night rest at Hanakanahal village in Kanekal Mandal, the leader set off, on his task. Addressing a meeting at Anekal village he said that Congress leaders had dealt most uncorrupted in the last nine years.
The Praja Rajyam Party, led by the actor turned politician Chiranjeevi, spoke at length of 'social justice,' but its merger disapproved its claims.
The leader also reminded the apex court question as to how the YSR Congress party leaders had so much wealth under their given circumstances. He also said that their corrupt ways have led them to where they are today (in Prisons).
Later speaking at another venue the Leader asserted that the 'Madigas' had been betrayed and hence the TDP is supporting the SC division bills.
He also visited the residence of the slain TDP leader Verriswamy and consoled the bereaved members. He assured that the TDP would take care of them.
The leader received a tumultuous welcome from the SC, ST and other backward castes, as he walked into their colonies. The ardent sympathizers garlanded their beloved leader, as he visited their wards.
On the whole the leader's strategy did pay off with red carpet welcome at all places sending 'mission trouble' signals to Delhi. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)