Legendary film maker Yash Chopra was cremated in Mumbai at Pawan Hans crematorium on Monday afternoon. His dead body was kept at Yash Raj studios since morning for people to pay homage. Several candles and a huge black and white portrait were kept at his body. Yash Chopra passed away last night due to dengue fever. He was 80.
Big B Amitabh Bachchan has mourned the demise of Bollywood producer-director Yash Chopra. He has mentioned in his blog that he and Yash he knew Yash for the past 44 years. He has also said that he was unable to digest that Yash Chopra was no more. Big B mentioned that he last met Amitabh Bachchan on his 70th birthday bash (October 11). Despite doctors advising him not to go out, Yash attended his birthday celebrations and spoke to many people, mentioned Amitabh Bachchan.
Amitabh Bachchan stated that the last words of Yash Chopra were still ringing in his ears. It has to be mentioned here that Yash made films such as Silsila, Deewar and Kabhi Kabhi with Amitabh Bachchan.
(AW Phani)