TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu's padayatra Vastunna Meekosam has entered Nizamabad district. His walkathon has been receiving good response even in Nizamabad district. Chandrababu took on the Congress government and said that the Congress party had deceived the aged by not fulfilling the promise of old age pensions. He has said that in case TDP comes to power, they would ensure that roads will be laid in remote areas too. Babu even spoke to several farmers and enquired about their problems.
When a girl reportedly told Chandrababu that they were deprived of education only because they were poor and born in unreserved castes. Reacting on the same, Chandrababu promised that irrespective of castes, all the economically backward students would be given reservations. Further, Chandrababu promised that free education would be provided to the children.
(AW Phani)