With YSRC Jagan still sitting behind bars, speculations are rife as to who would be the next candidate to contest from Kadapa constituency for Lok Sabha seat. Earlier, there were speculations that Jagan's sister Sharmila would plunge into politics and she would contest from Kadapa constituency. But ruling out those news, YSRC MLA Balineni Srinivas Reddy has said that Jaganmohan Reddy's cousin YS Avinash Reddy would contest from Jagan's contituency.
This news might have brought a pinch of dissatisfaction among Sharmila supporters who wanted to see her as an MP. Anyway, Balineni said in case Sharmila wants to contest the elections in 2014, she will be allowed to choose her constituency. So, if Sharmila wishes to choose to contest from Kadapa, no one in the party would stop her.
(AW Phani)