Court in Norway, which tried the case of Indian parents, who allegedly warned their son, has awarded its quantum of punishment to the couple. While father of the boy Chandra Shekar got 18 months imprisonment, Anupama was awarded 15 months of imprisonment. They were charged with torturing their child.
It may be recalled that Chandra Shekar and Anupama went to Norway 18 months ago on a deputation from a software major in Hyderabad. They had a seven-year-old son with whom they went to Norway. This boy reportedly had the habit of wetting his pants. Since complaints on this boy apparently piled up, parents warned him of sending him back to India in case the same repeats. One fine day, this boy again wet his pants at school and showed reluctance to go to home. Suspected teachers enquired the boy who said he his parents would beat him up for wetting pants.
The school authorities informed the same to the police there following which the boy was sent to special care centre. Parents then convinced the authorities and finally got their son back after a month. They recently came back to India from Norway. Last week when parents received summons from the court, they left for Norway where they were detained and prosecuted. And today, they got the punishment.
(AW Phani)