The condition of the sister, who was subjected to heinous crime in Delhi, deteriorated. The doctors treating her at Safdarjung hospital in the national capital territory told the media that victim's health remained to be critical and she has been kept on ventilator. The father of the victim-while appealing to the sections of the society for maintaining peace and restrain-has urged the people to pray for his daughter. On Monday night, the protestors were holding a candle rally-in support of the victim-at Jantar Mantar of Delhi. The protests and demands to punish the accused severely have been going on not just in Delhi but across the nation.
Meanwhile, doctors have said that infection entered the blood of the victim, which was worrying them. Also, they said the white blood cell count of the victim slipped to 6000. It may be recalled that 23-year-old medical student was brutally raped by a gang of six on a moving bus last Sunday at around 9 pm when the girl was returning home with her boy friend after watching a movie. She and her friend were beat severely and thrown out of bus. The accused were arrested by the police. People have been demanding that legislation should be made for castrating rapists while some of them opined that the culprits should be hanged to neck till death in the public.
(AW Phani)