The man-Friday of the late Chief Minister Y S Rajashekar Reddy and Rajya Sabha MP Dr.K.V.P. Ramachandra Rao (KVP) certainly seems to be rallying behind the wide spread voice of the Seemandhra leaders for a unified state.
Forthrightly slamming the veteran's attitude today (January 23), Congress leader from T, Madhu Yashki voiced his opinion. He said that KVP was the main person behind the unified slogan of the leaders from the other side. He also urged the T aspirants to fight for the cause, cutting across party lines and cadre.
What ever be the reasons KVP was silent for a long time, but is busily lobbying to influence the decision on Telangana issue scheduled on January 28, by the Congress high command.
Yashki also commented on the book released by Visalandhra Mahasabha, titled, 'Refuting an Agitation-Lies' with a tag line '101 lies & Dubious Arguments of Telangana Separatists, ' at Delhi's Constitution Club on Tuesday. He ascertained that the Seemandhra leaders had formulated 1000 lies to frame the 101 lies book.
The political arena seems to be heating up with decision date fast approaching. Meanwhile the Congress high command has been showing hints of favouring T state. However the way it would embark on the solution is worth watching. (Wishesh AarKay)