After poaching heat, rain has brought respite to the people of Hyderabad. The climate has suddenly pleasant on Friday afternoon bringing smiles on the faces of scores. Since Friday being the weekend, many IT employees in the city were all in good moods as climate also turned awesome to have a great weekend.
Last night transformed the climate much more pleasant giving a surprise to everyone this morning. There was a downpour last night and surprisingly it didn't leave the city too dirty and inundated this time. On contrary the city looked more beautiful with wet trees that seemed to be waving its branches in joy at the people, birds looked like they are singing the beautiful songs of life with amazing chirps, the sweet smell of flowers—making everyone wonder whether they were in the same city that has only shown how steadfast a mechanical life would be.
All in all, one would only get a superb feeling spending their weekend today in Hyderabad. Just step out of your homes and get connected to the nature.
(AW Phani)