The Supreme Court of India has delivered its verdict on the burning Babli project issue, which had been vehemently opposed by the opposition parties in Andhra Pradesh including TDP. The apex court ordered the appointment of a three-member committee to look into the construction of Babli project. Also, it said that the office of the committee should be in Maharashtra. It also said that only 2.47 cusecs of water only should be used by Maharashtra from the bridge. Therefore, the remaining water would be left to Andhra Pradesh.
While stating that Babli project could not be stopped, the apex court ordered this committee and said that a representative from CWC. It may be recalled that TDP team headed by Chandrababu Naidu, a few years ago, marched towards Babli project to stage a protest over there. The leaders were taken in to custody by Maharashtra police for about two days after which they were sent back to Hyderabad in flight.
Now that Supreme Court has nodded for the completion of Babli project, opposition parties are going to welcome Babli project.
(AW Phani)